Daily Diplomacy
Daily Diplomacy is an initiative under the Department of Education in MyDiplomacy
to illustrate the journey that experts, professionals, and stakeholders in the diplomatic field face on a daily basis. This initiative also aims to close the gap between such attaches to Malaysian youths in the hope to inspire more youths to venture into a career in diplomacy.

Ambassador Series
The Ambassador Series is a closed-door event between esteemed Heads of Missions
and MyDiplomacy members, which consists of early-career professionals in the field of diplomacy and Malaysian youth leaders vested in the field of international relations.
This direct engagement will allow talented young Malaysians to be inspired by
the Ambassador's illustrious journey as a diplomat while spreading awareness
of the importance of the invited country-Malaysia relations.

Industrial Training
As the scholarship of diplomacy and international relations is slowly expanding in Malaysia, the perception of careers within the field is limited to working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies and being an analyst. Driven by this problem, this initiative spearheaded by the Department of Public Relations helps to establish a database for Malaysian youths
to explore careers in the field related to diplomacy, current internship or entry-level
career opportunities and tips for applying. Such a database is accessible to all for free and updated every week with the help of our Malaysian diplomatic ecosystem.