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Capacity Building Workshop

Many Malaysian youths are unequipped with skill sets pertaining to diplomacy, negotiation

and foreign affairs literacy as the current education system places emphasis on other forms

of soft skills such as public speaking and presentation. MyDiplomacy aims to fill this gap by curating capacity building workshops to allow Malaysian youths to foster the knowledge and skills relating to diplomacy and foreign affairs to become an agent of change and our mini Malaysian youth ambassador!

The workshop often includes dialogue and sharing sessions, simulation and interactive programmes to convey the content more effective to Malaysian youths. 


Belia4SDG Campaign

Understanding that many materials relating to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

are provided in English and lack thereof such materials in Bahasa Melayu,

we curated a campaign entitled Belia4SDG to spread awareness of SDG in

Bahasa Melayu and merakyatkan the conversation of SDG for Malaysians.

The campaign covers SDG literacy infographics, programmes and podcast sessions. 

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GenZDiplomacy Campaign

Young peoples’ voices are integral to the future success of Malaysia's foreign policy,

national interest, and sovereignty. In line with this belief, GenZDiplomacy aims to provide

a platform for Generation Z  to learn and advance discourse surrounding the nuances

of global diplomacy and foreign policies

The campaign covers bite-sized content on diplomacy and international relations using the Gen Z modes of advocacy and communication in a layman's manner. 

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Malaysian Youth Diplomacy

Persatuan Pendidikan Diplomasi Dan Isu Semasa Antarabangsa Malaysia


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